In Spirit & In Truth
Worship At Calvary
Throughout the Bible, we are taught that worship involves a pattern of revelation and response. Out of his grace, God has revealed himself to us by the gospel of Jesus Christ. And by faith, we see our need for the gospel and thus respond to him, his mercy and his holiness. This pattern of revelation and response is the basis of what forms us as Christians and as the church of God. At Calvary, we exist to equip people to serve God through this joyful and ancient pattern of worship both in the context of community and as individuals.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1
Music at Calvary
We strive to be gospel-driven in all of our ministries, including music. We are committed to playing gospel-centered songs that form the soul for God’s glory and for our good. We are also committed not to the performance or entertainment of people, but rather, to the majesty of God, the joy of his salvation, and the incomprehensible forgiveness that Christ extends to us and all who seek him. So, whether we sing traditional hymns or contemporary anthems, we desire to teach God’s story of redemption and the freedom from sin we receive by his grace and in his power.
Songs at Calvary
We'd love to invite you to listen to some of the recent songs we sing together at Calvary’s Sunday worship services during the week. Access the Calvary Worship playlist on Spotify.
The worship team is comprised of musicians who use their gifts and abilities to lead the church at weekend services through music.
If you are interested in auditioning, please click on a link below to fill out a form.