Expanding the Kingdom of God Near and Far…

Join us as we hear stories of how God calls, prepares and sends His people to share His Gospel both locally and globally.

Be inspired and discover what your own "GO" might look like!

Sunday, March 16:

Impact Week Kickoff

Worship Service | 9am "One God / One Team / One Goal" with Stephen Johnston, Jim Taylor and Chris Rowley

Discipleship Hour | 10:30 - 11:30, FLC with Astrit and Evaldo Grünhagen (DR), Veronica Taveras (DR), Stephen and Joy Johnston (France), Jeff and Chris K (US/Central Asia), Chris and Kelly Rowley (USA), Clint and Vivienne S (USA/North Africa)

  • Meet and Connect over refreshments

  • Panel Discussion with Impact Partners

  • Local Partners in the lobby

College Life | 3pm, Church with International Students with Chris and Kelly Rowley, Zach and Chiara Jorristma, and Michelle Ornelas

Men's Life: 7pm, Youth Room with Evaldo Grünhagen (DR), Doug Eli (USA), Jeff K (US/Central Asia), Clint S (USA/North Africa), Pastor Rob Turner (iCare Outreach)

Monday, March 17:

High School Youth Group: 7pm, Youth Room with Astrit and Evaldo Grünhagen (DR), Veronica Taveras (DR) and Brian Aiken (YoungLife)

Tuesday, March 18:

Middle School Youth Group: 7pm, Youth Room with Brian Aiken (YoungLife) and Brad C (USA/North Africa)

Women’s Life: 7pm, Chapel with Kelly Rowley (USA), Astrit Grunhagen (DR), Veronica Taveras (DR), Joy Johnston (France), Chris K (USA/Central Asia), Michelle Ornelas (USA) and Vivienne S (USA/North Africa)

Wednesday, March 19:

Dinner with an Impact: 6:30pm - 8:30pm, FLC with Becky Stanley of the India Gospel League about how God is reaching the "Ends of the Earth" and an exciting new way that we can be involved! Click here to RSVP!

Grades 1-5 Program: 6:30pm - 8:30pm, Youth Room

Friday, March 21:

We support 33 partners impacting over 40+ nations and 6 local ministries…

Ministry Partners

Engage & Impact Others Around You…

The Vision of Impact:

To Expand the Kingdom of God by:

  • Investing in ministry partnerships through giving, prayer, and connection

  • Equipping Calvary to impact locally and globally

  • Standing with the Church around the world to do the same

Short-Term Trip: Bienvenido Project in Dominican Republic

Bienvenido Project is located on the western outskirts of Santo Domingo, in the Bienvenido neighborhood. The Project provides holistic care for over 300 Dominican and Haitian refugee children who experience food-insecurity, make-shift housing, a lack of educational opportunities, and voodoo practices. The Bienvenido Project cares for the social and spiritual development of the children through meals, school scholarships, tutoring, Kids Club, conversational English classes, and leadership development. Through these initiatives, The Bienvenido Project aims to offer hope for a life beyond material and spiritual poverty!

Ministry partners:  Veronica Taveras , Evaldo & Astrit Grünhagen & young adults from Beinvenido Project

The team invests in people with God’s love and truth in environments promoting physical, social, and spiritual development through: wellness checks, VBS partnering with a local team of volunteers, lunch with kids, partnering with handyman jobs, conversational English

Helpful Languages:  Creole, Spanish

Dates: Summer 2025 TBD

To donate to the trip, or a specific individual attending, please use this link.

Please note: if you are donating to a specific person, you MUST write their name in the memo line in order for your donation to be applied to them.